Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Give Me Someone To Love

I want something cute and fluffy to love every day! One of my ultimate dreams is to get a puppy in a box, just like lady and the tramp. Oh that would be delightful.
I am loving the picture of the fox, he is too cute.
Do you guys have any adorable pets?

Monday, May 16, 2011

French Macarons

Today has been a very eventful one, my friend and I decided to make French Macarons and they were a big success! Here is the recipe and method we used. Enjoy!

1 cup Confectioners sugar
3/4 cup Ground Almonds
2 Eggs Whites
1 teaspoon Rasberry Essence
1 teaspoon Red Food Colouring
1/4 cup Caster Sugar

One: Sieve sugar & almonds together in a large bowl then process them until smooth & combined.

Two: Separate egg whites & beat until soft peaks form.

Three: Add caster sugar, essence & food coloring and combine until the colour is smooth.

Four: Mix wet & dry ingredients and fold until mixture reaches the consistency of lava.

Five: Pipe mixture into a baking tray lined with baking paper. (tracing a glass helps to keep them all the same size) Leave to rest for 30 minutes or until the macarons have a hard shell on top.

Six: Put in oven at 160 °C for 20 minutes. When cooled down pipe buttercream icing in the middle and sandwich together.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Birthday Week

Very soon it will be my Birthday and I am so excited about that!
Every year the week before my birthday is my Birthday week, along with the week after. I love telling people that its my birthday and everyone always gets so excited. How could you not be happy if it is someones birthday, we are celebrating their birth and that is so glorious!
I am loving the picture of the bears, it is super cute. I am in love with polar bears, I wish I could have one as a wee pet.

My friend Michelle put together this little list of all the pretty things I would like for my birthday, I especially like the Salt & Pepper shakers.

One. Satchel from Urban Outfitters
Two. To Kill a Mocking Bird
Three. Emma
Four. Last Friday Night OPI
Five. Berlesque OPI
Seven. Bow Ring Stolen Girlfriends Club
Eight. Pride & Prejudice Mug iko iko
Nine. Salt & Pepper Shakers Urban Outfitters
Ten. A Cuddly Cardy
Eleven. Diana F+ Dreamer Camera Urban Outfitters
Twelve. Frankie Subscription
Thirteen. The Catcher in the Rye

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bicycle For Two

I want a vintage bicycle.
I would cycle all around town with my new boots and winter coat on. The only thing I don't like about bicycles is that you have to wear a helmet, it ruins your hair and looks silly but these bikes are so pretty and romantic.

I am loving the colour of the second bike and I also would adore a basket so I could take my baby Snookus for wee rides.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love Me If You Dare

Just recently I have seen, Love Me If You Dare and I absolutely adore this film. Another lovely film is Amélie, they are both so wonderfully French.

France is my favorite country and one day I hope to visit and maybe just maybe live there.

I am attempting to learn the language but it is just so difficult. I bought a teaching cd to help me learn but it was very confusing, so yesterday I went to an op shop and lo and behold sitting right on the bottom shelf was a French made simple book and it is A-Mazing! It spells everything out for me, which is great, now all I have to do is keep reading it.

Do you guys know any different languages?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friendly Times & A New Baby

A couple of weeks ago a group of my wonderful friends came over to my new house so we could do some filming in my big empty pool. Afterwards we had some delicious mud cake and we decided to have a wee photo shoot with my cameras and some two dollar shop mustaches.
I love how just hanging out with friends you can be yourselves and create some pretty fantastic memories, here are a few pictures that were my favorite.
This last one is of my new baby, his name is Snookus. (Snoo as in Snoopy and kus like couscous)

Find this amazing photographer here.

Monday, January 24, 2011


It has been much too long since I have blogged last and for that I feel extremely bad, but you see I have in fact been very busy in my everyday life and have moved house.
Christmas has passed us by and so has new years, since then I have gotten myself a new flat, a new job, a new Diana F+ and hopefully soon I will get myself a new little furry friend.
How have you all been?

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